Because the finish line is in sight

Coronavirus has affected us all in so many different ways. Unfortunately, it has also had a huge impact on blood cancer research and on people affected by blood cancer.

Research labs closed their doors and paused their research during lockdown. The Blood Cancer UK helpline saw a ten-fold increase in enquiries from the blood cancer community to help support with concerns about shielding, vaccines or visits to the hospital. Our fundraising events have continued to be cancelled or postponed, limiting our ability to raise money for our services.

This means that, we are expecting to see a £5 million decrease in net income as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Over the course of the next five years, we expect to have £13 million less to spend on blood cancer research and support. But with your help, we can turn things around. By fundraising in My London to Paris, you’re helping us continue our investment into research and support for the blood cancer community.

Our community has played such an important role in the enormous progress we’ve made in the last 60 years, and we are incredibly grateful to have you by our side again at this critical moment.

Because it’s time to beat blood cancer.